- Carra Santos
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- 'Beyond Net Zero' is the creative brief of our lifetime
'Beyond Net Zero' is the creative brief of our lifetime
The key is, as always, to push past the first idea.
When I work on a creative project, my job is to come up with an original concept around a given theme.
I read the brief several times, then factor a day or two into my schedule when I'm free to think about anything and everything else.
Based on over twenty years' experience, I know that if I keep reading and re-reading the brief, I will get stuck, with no energy or capacity to push past the first idea.
But pushing past the first idea is what I'm for.
Knowing that the answers aren't in the brief; the answers are in my creative ability to think around the brief, and behind it, and beyond it, and spot unexpected angles.
Here, the brief is net zero (and beyond). We're the creatives on this project, and the client is... us.
And when we park the brief for a minute, setting aside all the technical terms and data, we start to see what's behind it.
Basically, the brief is to be more human, and stop using so much stuff.
So here are a few creative approaches from a beyond-business perspective that all chart our path beyond net zero.
Don't glorify 'busy'.
Celebrate efficiency. Encourage autonomy. If set tasks are done well in a timely manner, great! Flexible working, four-day-weeks, remote offices - saved time helps reduce the emissions related to congestion, over-consumption and waste.
Restore creativity.
Technology, though a very useful tool, will never match our human capacity for empathy and ingenuity - we must nurture it in tandem for effective solutions and long-term wellbeing. Do challenging and meaningful work. Create the conditions for others to do challenging and meaningful work. Develop projects that inspire creativity and practical skills in everyday life.
Build relationships.
There is little as beneficial to us as a supportive community, whether in work or at home - in the last few years of pandemics and economic shocks, we've been experiencing it for ourselves. Strong bonds foster the culture of sharing, collaboration, guidance and 'safety nets' that solves problems and preserves our resources. Good relationships are everything.
Be open and collaborative.
One of our biggest influences on resource use and emissions is our choice of partners and suppliers, extending our positive (or negative) impact. Mapping your social and environmental objectives provides the talking-point to build sustainable futures together on good vibes and practical synergies.
Mix up our success measures.
If we take our laser-like focus off our financial spreadsheets for just a second, we can conjure up a whole world of uplifting and regenerative success measures to add to the mix. Quality of life, quality of client, quality of work, team longevity, originality, innovation and impact. Take inspiration from those who already do this beautifully, yet think so little of it because it’s so natural that they forget to say. We'll fix things together, and feel better too.
‘Design a future that allows us all to be our best selves.’
As simple as it sounds, this is, without doubt, the brief of a lifetime. But it’s ours for the taking. Are you going to turn it down?